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Applied Kinesiology

Are you tired of….from one day to the next….learning that something is good for you…..and something else is not?


....We need to eat more of this, drink more of that, take this additional supplement, eliminate that one…..

Because every day more and more research goes on that reveals new findings.  How many times a week ---not a month---not a year---but a WEEK…..do we hear “New study shows…..blah, blah, blah….Don’t drink coffee.  Drink more coffee!  Don’t eat chocolate.  Eat more chocolate; it’s good for the heart!


Applied Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person's well-being.  It combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.  By the use of simple muscle-testing, a healing facilitator can determine the source of a client’s health challenges.  A pendulum may also be used for applied kinesiology and students of the  4-Directional Wellness System are given extensive instruction in their use.

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