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"Creativity in Healing"


Sound!  Color!  Music!  Numerical Vibration!


There are many creative modalities used today in energy healing that have their origins in ancient Egypt, the Far East, Native American Shamanism, and Ancient Greece.  They are sound, music, color, light, and numerical vibration….and they are fun!   Healing is fun, and having fun is very healing!  Learn about, and experience the “creative” aspects of healing, whether you are a recipient, or a facilitator.


We have used musical sound largely as entertainment in the past. Sound therapy explores the very real and positive effects sound can have upon all of us, and its potential to heal.

Music is one of the most powerful healing forces available to us today.

Sound is the vibrational field that makes up language, music, and tone. When it is organized, we communicate words, ideas, feelings, and expressions. In its disorganized form, it is merely noise.

Every person listens in different ways.

When rhythm, melody, and harmony are organized into beautiful forms, the mind, body, spirit, and emotions are brought toward harmony.

We know the power of sound and music, and we know also that the voice changes with emotional states or illness. Our health or mood can be strongly affected by music, toning, chanting, singing, and drumming.


Light and Color…..or chromotherapy….also play a vital role in vibrational medicine.

The ancient Egyptians used specially built solarium rooms with different colored glass panels. The sun would shine through the colored glass onto the patient to achieve specific therapeutic benefits.

Others used different colored silk clothes to filter varying shades of light onto their bodies.

The Earth, our continents, oceans, in fact every living thing depends on light to be able to exist.

Light is emitted by every cell in our bodies.

We live in a sea of energy where color and sound work within us. Light shines within our divine self, and radiates outwardly upon us from the sun.

Specific colors bring balance to our physical and emotional systems.

Physical symptoms, health conditions-- as well as Emotions and mood-- are all affected by the use of color, simply because the color of the light entering your body is concentrated in one spectrum.  The physical symptom, or emotion associated with that color is enhanced, causing a shift in that direction.


The ancient Greeks taught that “All is number”.  This means that everything in the universe has a unique vibrational energy:  every object, every thought, every action, every cell of our beings. 

The physical body in its healthy state has a specific rate of vibration, keeping us in balance with all of nature.  Guidance, direction, and healing provided by a FeatherTouch Soul Therapy session is an invaluable tool for personal enlightenment, growth, and for reaching one’s highest potential in mind, body, and soul.

Numerology is founded on the principle that the Universe works according to laws as real as the law of gravity.  By exploring the fundamentals of form and frequency, Pythagorus, the probably founder of the science of numerology, discovered relationships between mind and matter where before no such order had appeared to exist, and he pointed to hidden numerical patterns of vibration that served as keys for healing on all levels of being.

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