As with all energy therapy, the science of polarity therapy is of the premise that perfect health is dependent upon free-flowing energy circuits. Obstruction of these circuits results in pain and illness. Polarity therapy teaches that as energy beings, we are governed by three electromagnetic charges: positive, negative, and neutral. As well, the entire body is viewed as an energy field with specific currents. Polarity therapy is intended to balance these subtle energy currents by using love, positive thoughts and attitudes, gentle manipulations, exercise and proper diet.

Love has been described as the current of the soul. Just as all the techniques for healing that you have learned in Feather Touch Therapy centers around love energy, polarity therapy does as well. We have all learned that we create our own reality by our thought patterns. Everytime we eliminate negative thought patterns and replace them with healing positve thought patterns, we are in a sense practicing polarity therapy.

The object of polarity therapy manipulations is to relax the client, and allow the life currents to be brought into balance. When the the life-force energy flows freely within the body, chronic blocks of tension that reside in the muscles, bones and internal organs disappear. The end result, of course, is the restoration of normal body and mind function.

Polarity exercises are easy to do and are appropriate for people of all ages. Of course discretion needs to be used when dealing with people with severe muscular-skeletal disorders. However, under normal circumstances polarity's easy stretching postures work on all parts of the body, increasing circulation and the elasticity of the muscles, bones and spine. The positions, somewhat similar to simple yoga positions, attract the five elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth.

Anyone who has attempted to diet for any amount of time knows that when you establish a strict code of rules for eating, you are limiting yourself. And any time you set limits, it stops your growth and creates blocks in your life-force energy. When food is meant to be enjoyed, and eaten with love, we automatically eat according to our needs. We choose not to overeat, and we eat the kinds of foods that bring balance and harmony.

As previously stated our energy is regulated by the three electromagnetic fields of positive, negative, and neutral. If there is an overabundance of one, it will create a lack in another, and imbalance occurs. The head and spinal column form the central neutral axis. The positive energy is expressed through the right side. The negative energy is expressed through the left side. The front of the body has a positive charge and the back a negative charge. The top of the body has a positive charge, the middle section a neutral charge, and the bottom a negative charge.

When an abundance of the warm, positive energy current accumulates, a short-circuit, or blockage, occurs. This usually manifests as pain. Using the opposite, or negative, charge is necessary to balance the overstimulated area. Simply place your left hand over the afflicted area and relief will come quickly.

The currents are slowed, reduced, congested, contracted or spastic when there is too much inward negative energy constricting their flow. In this case, the warmth and expanding positive energy of the right hand provides relief.

Polarity Therapy is a wonderful way to treat imbalances in the body, but all too often we look only at the physical body when pain and disease occur. We will frequently come across clients who lack motivation and desire to consciously alter their negative mental processes. Sometimes this is frustrating to a practitioner, and we have to remember that everyone is on their own path, travelling at their own pace. This is why I incorporate polarity therapy with Reiki. I find that when I treat with Reiki initially, I am able to make soul-to-soul contact where healing is always requested. I feel this allows me to work through the blockages more easily, as the soul is already opening up to the benefits the body is about to recieve. Reiki lifts the spirit beyond the blockages which are ego-created, facilitating a deeper level of healing where the polarity therapy is applied.

HTEW Salon Services
Hair Extensions / Hair Loss Clinic
FeatherTouch Services
Pedicures / Body Wrap / Ear Candling / Facials
Rejuvenation / Numerology Charts / Behind the Scenes

Hair, There, & Every Wear
32801 Vine St. Willowick, OH 44095
(440) 943-3511/ feathertouch@comcast.net

Artwork for the backgrounds on this site are painted by Carrie (Keri) Oldani
Water colorist and Encaustic artist
Prints and greeting cards from these paintings are available at HTEW