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Numerology Path and Purpose Readings!

The following is a summary of Life Path Numbers that you may have determined from the "numerology clock".
To review:  Simply add each individual digit in your birth date, and then add that sum until coming to a single digit.
i.e.:  If your birth date is May 9, 1961, you will add 5+9+1+9+6+1=31....3+1=4.....Giving you a Life Path number of 4.

1—Creativity and Confidence:  Energy, when unobstructed flows naturally into creative endeavors.  An abundance of such energy gives 1s the ability to generate creative work in any endeavor; that same energy, like a surging river, demands movement and expression and can manifest as destructive addictions if not properly channeled.  Independent, in charge, self-motivated.  The Leader.


2---Cooperation and Balance:  The energy of 2s makes these individuals a source of strength, support, and cooperative service.  But first they have to define their limits, boundaries, and levels of responsibility or they tend to over-help and then withdraw.  They need to avoid the extreme of servitude, which turns to resentment and resistance.  Sensitive, doesn’t like conflict.  Mediator.


3---Expression and Sensitivity:  The life purpose of 3s entails bringing constructive emotional expression into the world, as they share their feelings and ideas in the most direct, positive, and honest manner possible.  They need to find ways to apply their sensitivity and expressive abilities to uplift rather than tear down.



4---Stability and Process:  As in building a house or anything else, 4s need to realize that a sound and stable foundation comes first, followed by a patient, step-by-step process toward completion of their goals.  Balancing strength with flexibility and analysis with intuition, 4s can achieve any goal.  Solid, responsible, seeks security. The Teacher.


5---Freedom and Discipline:  The renaissance individuals working 5 seek freedom through a wide range of direct or vicarious experiences.  This sometimes leads them to take on too much.  They are here to achieve depth of experience through discipline and focus.  They tend to swing from extremes of dependence to independence until they find inner freedom.  Adventure.


6---Vision and Acceptance:  The vision of beauty, purity, and high ideals of those working 6 can become tainted by judgments about self, others, and the world.  Their purpose lies in recognizing the higher or transcendent perfection in everyone and everything, and aiming for high ideals while accepting themselves and others in the present.  Nurturing, care-taker.


7---Trust and Openness:  those working 7 have incisive minds that can read between the lines.  They tend to enjoy the outdoor world of earth, sea, flowers, wind, and sky.  They are here to trust the wisdom and love inside themselves—to trust Spirit working in them enough to come out of “hiding” and share themselves openly.

Truth-seekers.  “Who am I?” Faith seeker.


8---Abundance and Power:  Most 8s either strive for or avoid money, power, control, authority, or recognition.  In this area lie their greatest challenges and greatest satisfaction.  They are here to master abundance and power by using them in service of a higher purpose, not as an end in themselves.  Financial and spiritual freedom.  The Executive.


9---Integrity and Wisdom:  The life purpose of 9s calls for the highest integrity—in fact, demands that 9s align with higher principles so that they inspire others by their example.  With natural depth and charisma, they are often placed in leadership positions, serving as examples of integrity, balance, and wisdom or as examples of the lack of these qualities.  Leadership and humanitarian.

Order your complete and comprehensive
 FeatherTouch Path & Purpose Numerology Chart

$75~~ chart
$100~~ chart + follow-up reading
(in person or via e-mail if you are not in the Northeast Ohio area).

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