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Western Reiki attunement and practice, in conjunction with Eastern Reiju Empowerment.


Reiki is an ancient and extremely simple system of "laying on of hands" healing.  Every spiritual practice known to man since the beginning of time, includes some form of laying on of hands. 


The energy used in Reiki is the life-force itself, and through learning the technique for channeling this life-force energy, we once again are able to facilitate balance, reinforcing the body's own ability to heal itself. 


Reiki supports the body's natural ability to heal itself. It vitalizes both body and soul, and re-establishes spiritual equilibrium and mental well-being.  It functions on all levels, whether mental or spiritual, bodily or emotional, balancing the subtle energies.  It loosens up blocked energy and promotes a state of total relaxation.


Usui Reiki (named for its Mikao Usui, who brought Reiki into the 20th Century) consists of three levels:  the first dealing with simple, hands-on physical healing, the second dealing with distance healing and the mental / emotional body,  the third levels being the Master level, enabling the practitioner to teach Reiki, and in so doing reach the Master level of attunement himself, enabling him to also pass attunements to those who he teaches.


The Reiju Empowerment is said to be Mikao Usui's original way, a procedure, a blessing that enables the recipient to channel Reiki.

It is believed that it comes from Tendai Buddhism, which is where other Japanese Reiki techniques seem to have their origins.


The attunement process, which most understand to be the original “initiation” into the Reiki practice, is actually western in its origin, and not originated by Mikao Usui.


Usui instead, passed the Reiju empowerments to many of his students.

FeatherTouch Reiki includes both the western attunements and the eastern Reiju.

As with many parts of Reiki or Usui-Do (Usui Way) or Usui Teate (Usui Hand Application) there are unfolding versions as research continues. Usui Sensei no doubt developed his methods and understanding as he continued his life journey. He would then probably share different knowledge and techniques with subsequent groups of students. This is hopefully the situation with most masters.

In Japanese Reiju means: "accepting/giving energy".(channeling energy)

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