Munay Ki is literally translated “I love you” and also, “Be as thou art”
in Quechua, an ancient Incan language of the Andes in Peru. In brief, what this
means is that to truly love the self, we must be what we are meant to be.
Munay Ki today refers to the Shamanic practice of handing down the nine rites of initiation that once took place only among
the ancient Inca thousands of years ago. Its purpose is to bring to the forefront,
our own healing that is needed, whether it be from issues in this lifetime, or issues of past lives….so that we are
empowered to heal others and subsequently heal our world.
experience has taught me that all of the ancient spiritual beliefs hold the same thread of truth. Interestingly, our ancient spiritual backgrounds all came from different parts of the world and still are
similar to each other.
site has been greatly dedicated to Reiki, which is ancient Asian. The Munay Ki
is ancient Incan. And yet, these two practices in philosophy, are the same….in
purpose, are the same. It continues to be my intention to teach both traditions. I attempt to demonstrate many forms of energy healing to my students, for them to
decide whichever they relate most to. Both Reiki and the Munay Ki, as well as
other ancient healing systems from all over the world, deal with the chakras and the energy fields.
the only healing tradition on the face of the Earth that does not work through the energy systems, is Western Medicine. No problem can be resolved on the same level from which it was created. In other words, where there is a physical problem, perhaps it would be in a person’s best interest
to resolve it using a measure that is a step above the physical realm—the mental/emotional realm, the energetic realm.
Munay Ki is essential to taking a quantum leap in our evolution. The nine rites
are groups of energetic transmissions from mentor to protégé, directly into the Luminous Energy Field, or the aura. Transmissions are codes downloaded into the chakra system, and from there to the brain. This transmission offers the potential to complete within one lifetime a process of evolution that would
otherwise take many generations.
Villoldo is a psychologist and medical anthropologist who has worked closely with the Laika tribe—those who have brought
this process into present time, for 25 years. In 2006, they taught him this transmission,
and he has since founded the Four Winds Society for training Shamans. It is since then that the Munay Ki has been offered throughout North
America and Europe. The intention is that those who accept the gift will
go on to initiate others in this giant leap in our evolution based on perfect love.
Principles of Daily Living of the Munay Ki are non-violence, truthfulness, integrity, moderation, and generosity. These principles lay the foundation for the coming world of harmony, love and peace to replace our current
world of disharmony, fear, and conflict [2012].
are now coming to an end of an evolutionary period which has lasted 65 million years.
Everything in our present world is being geared up to switch to a new era, potentially during the period of rare planetary
alignment due to take place in December, 2012, predicted thousands of years ago by the ancient Mayans. The Mayan calendar ends Dec. 21, 2012….very much in comparison to Christian theology’s reference
to “the end times”…..